Friday March 24th
Wexford Drama Group - (Open)
“Portia Coughlan” by Marina Carr
Portia ...................................... Shonagh Lyons
Raphael .................................. Thomas O’Leary
Maggie May .......................... Catherine Walsh
Senchill ................................. Donal O’Brien
Marianne ............................... Louise Dillon
Sly Scully .............................. Eugene McLoughlin
Blaize ..................................... Hilda Conway
Damus ................................. Alan Fitzhenry
Stacia ................................... Jeanette Sidney Kelly
Fintan Goolan ..................... John Crosbie
Gabriel ................................. Ronan Berry
Asst. Director ...................................... Stephen Byrne
Set Design & Construction............... Mark Redmond
Lighting ................................................. Pip Walsh
Sound ................................................... Pat Jackman
Costume .............................................. Fiona Grant
Costume Assistant ........................... Anne McLoughlin
Stage Manager ................................. Carol Lony
Asst Managers ................................... Emma Hyland, Linda Hynes
Rig Operation ...................................... Jamie Ruttledge
Make Up .............................................. Stephen Byrne
................................................... ......................................

Synopsis of Play
On her 30th Birthday Portia Coughlan hears the voice of her twin Gabriel who is long since dead. This sets in motion a series of events which end with tragic consequences
History of Group
Founded in 1966 Wexford Drama Group strives to produce a high level of theatre for their home audience and beyond. Normally producing 3 shows per year – a summer production, a circuit play and a show for the Opera Festival. Wexford Drama Group have reached the All Ireland Finals on numerous occasions most recently in 2014. Having taken a short hiatus from the circuit we are delighted to return with Portia Coughlan.
Paul Walsh